My R3FI Why- R3FI Reborn Admin

Kate Wilson
3 min readMar 2, 2021

R3FI Reborn

I remember the first time that I read about R3FI, the rechargeable passive income token. I thought to myself, now that is a cool concept. The token was complete, and was advertised as liquid locked, no team or developer wallets. I bought a small bag on Uniswap as soon as it was available and I joined the community on Telegram. To be honest, the Telegram at the beginning nearly made me leave. It was filled with shillers and people who just wanted a quick 10x. I watched as the coin shot up in value, and then abruptly crashed as a presale whales dumped their tokens. I felt terrible for this little community of folks, many who bought in near the peak. So I decided to help, if I could.

I look for things in tokens in my line of work, usually with folks looking to run nodes and need secure server services. We occasionally help newer tokens out with resources where I see potential. If this was going to work, the community would need to come together and create the things that investors typically look for if they wanted it to be a successful token. I said to the community, this token is complete, the developer is still here and willing to help with navigating listings and the rest. Put together a plan and be a Decentralized community token, a token that rises or falls on the efforts of its holders, on their inspirations. Although, at the time, it was likely less eloquent than that. For me, The great experiment began. I spent that first night as Admin pretty much awake to keep the community from giving up hope.

Speaking up somehow got me elected to work on a roadmap. I started working with the people that wanted to work on things and the Leadership Channel was born. We wanted to be transparent with our actions. Community led branding and marketing began to develop and people interested in smart contracts and use cases got involved. Next people began volunteering with the website and we turned our near end into a new beginning. R3FI was reborn as a community driven token.

We certainly had our setbacks, and we definitely had animated and sometimes heated discussions. But through it all, we kept working and the community interest and participation kept growing. People reached out to their contacts across the crypto world, looking to help our little community of holders grow and get listed and promoted. I personally learned so much the first two weeks about technical aspects of smart contracts and decentralized finance. I anticipate that I will continue to learn about the defi space as we advance the token and work to implement its various use cases. I have met amazing people and have been constantly inspired by the hard work and dedication of volunteers. I plan to continue to volunteer with R3FI, I believe in it.

In less than a month, the community has turned the whole thing around. We listed on a centralized exchange platform thanks to a very generous holder who believed in us, and got busy on use cases. So I want to close this with a personal thank you. I want to thank each and every single person who helped, who shared feedback, who offered ideas, or opened any doors for R3FI. We all put our personal reputations on the line with this and we are proud of the R3FI Reborn Community.


R3FI Reborn Admin Team



Kate Wilson

Human, Trying to be a better one. Recharge Finance Cofounder